YAMAICHI ELECTRONICS Group Management Philosophy │ CSR・Environmental Activities │ YAMAICHI ELECTRONICS

The corporate slogan of our Company Group goes “Better Connection” to vigorously create better connections among people, companies, society and the Earth, with flexible technologies and ingenuity. Based on its management philosophy of “People: Our most Important Assets,” “Create Value,” “Commitment to Quality,” “Technology Innovation Makes a Difference” and “Contribution to Communities and Environment,” the Company Group are contributing to customers' value creation.

1.People: Our Most Important Assets

The most valuable asset of our company is the personnel. We nurture the careers of the employees, while depending on their skills and potential. Our goal is to make sure the employees have opportunities to prosper and succeed.

2.Create Value

We seek to maximize the corporate values and profits while trying to meet the expectations of our shareholders, customers, suppliers, communities and employees.

3.Commitment to Quality

We pursue highest qualities for our products, services and operations to attain the highest levels of customer satisfaction and social value.

4.Technology Innovation Makes a Difference

We keep abreast of new and emerging technologies and continue to innovate.

5.Contribution to Communities and the Environment

We contribute to the welfare of communities and build a most trusted company.